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Helpful Resources
Alabama Virtual Library

The Alabama Virtual Library is free to residents of Alabama.  It offers a large number of online databases, encyclopedias, and other resources.  These resources are very reliable and students are encouraged to find information here for research assignments.

PBS Learning Media

PBS Learning Media is an on-demand media service that provides easy access to multimedia resources. Lots of videos, primary sources, lesson plans, and lots more.

OWL-Purdue English Writing Lab

This link to the Purdue Writing Lab provides MLA style manuals and examples of research papers.

Public Domain Photos

This site contains photos that are in the public domain.  The use of these photos does not require a copyright release.

Reference Desk

This is one of the best sites on the web to check facts.  There are many features associated with this site that students and teachers will find useful.

Great articles on a variety of subjects.  The text can be translated into Spanish, as well.     

This site is concerned with everything grammar related.  It contains wonderful infographics in an easy to understand format.

Cyber Safety
OnGuard Online

This website offers information on protecting yourself and your children online.  Some topics covered include avoiding scams, securing your computer, video and media, and many others. 

This is a great resource which includes several checklists for managing your digital footprint and teaching safe online behaviors.     


This website is sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  This site includes many topics related to cyber safety and has programs according to different age groups. 

This site offers reviews on popular social media apps and sites that kids are using every day. Each review lists a suggested age of appropriateness for kids, the features on the social media, and any concerns parents had about the app or site.

This site is powered by the National Cyber Security Council.  It offers information on avoiding identity theft, staying safe on social media, cyber safety tips forkids, and many other topics related to internet safety. provides a comprehensive directory of colleges and universities offering cybersecurity degrees and a wealth of information on cybersecurity career paths, security clearances, professional security certifications, free online security courses and more.

Student Resources
Homework Alabama

This is a free site for students who live in the state of Alabama.  It offers tutoring help Sunday-Thursday from 3pm-10pm.

This site offers pretests and activities to improve reading skills.  See your teacher for them to set an account for you.

Spartan Guides

This site offers guides and ideas for conducting and completing effective research papers.

Learning Express

This site contains information on careers, test taking and preparedness, adult education and many other topics.  Contact your local public library for user information. 

This site provides free practice tests for many standardized tests, including the ASVAB, ACT and SAT.

Local Libraries
Cheaha Regional Library

This link is to the Cheaha Regional Library which is based in Heflin, Alabama.  It offers bookmobile services to Clay and surrounding counties.

Lineville City Library

This link provides information about services provided through the Lineville City Library.

Ashland City Library

This link is to the city of Ashland library page.  This page provides information on library services, links to resources, and access to their ebook collection. 

Alabama Public Library Services

This link is provided to access the Alabama Public Library Services website.  You can access several services of the APLS, including their catalog.

State resources
Alabama Library Media

This is the state website for library/media specialists.

Alabama State Department of Education

This is the State Department of Education's website.

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